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How to make your new website successful and converting?

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Are you building a new website? In today's article, we'll look at the most important tips to follow when building a new custom website. 
If you want a conversion site, be sure to implement the following tips.

Choosing the right platform
Before developing the site itself, it is a good idea to think about the platform on which the new site should run. The choice of platform can have a major impact on the scalability, speed and security of the site, as well as the overall look and feel.

When choosing a platform, we recommend choosing one that you will not depend on in the future. For larger sites, we recommend not renting platforms and being careful not to depend on the creator of the content management system. With Wordpress, we strongly recommend considering the security risks.

SEO is not dead, on the contrary
Sometimes we come across the opinion that SEO optimization is not "cool" enough. In our opinion, this is not true at all. For many of our clients, we see that SEO is what gives them a great deal of organic traffic that they don't have to pay money for like advertising. There are analyses that say that skillful SEO optimization work results in a positive impact on AI query behavior for a given business or industry.

Don't underestimate design and UX
An absolutely crucial point in custom web development is the look and feel and user experience. People today don't have the time or patience to search for information on your website. They expect to navigate the site easily. Up to 75% of users form an opinion of a company based on the look and feel of a website. (source)

Do you want photos from the photo bank?
Another common mistake is trying to save a few crowns by using photos from a database on a professional website. People will not only recognize this, but they will also take a proper distrustful attitude towards the company right at the beginning of getting to know them. Consider for yourself - isn't it better to make the best first impression by being able to look at a team of people, their offices or individual representatives on the web?

The soul of the website
This one is very hard to describe, but I'm sure you feel it too. Sometimes you come to a site where you feel good. There's a good energy coming from the site, the presentation looks professional, modern. A good web designer knows how to work with the atmosphere on the site, which is appropriately shaped by little things. It could be font choice, occasional slang in copywriting or well-sweetened photos.

A website should be a sales channel
We feel like business leaders are sometimes afraid to say it, but the web is overwhelmingly supposed to be a sales channel. It's supposed to engage the user and convert them into an enquirer, prospect, customer or branch visitor.

It is not true that only an e-shop should be converting. Most websites should have clearly defined goals and should meet them. After all, when you're choosing a business online, don't you click through several competing sites, gradually eliminating them based on what information you've learned and what impression your first contact with the company has had? :)

In conclusion
In more and more industries, a business cannot do without a professional website. It's far from being "just" about programming or responsiveness anymore. A conversion website needs to be well thought out in detail.

Don't believe it? Check out our article where we break down the questions we ask before we get started on creating a website.

Planning a new website? Get in touch and we'll talk it through.

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