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Development studio - what to expect from it?

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Looking for a development studio? We've put together a few points on what a good development studio should have. Read on.
One of the most complex and key questions before starting the app development is - how to choose the right development studio? Read tips from people directly in development. :)

Question one - agency or in-house team?
There's not a person who wouldn't think of this. Why not save money by building my own team of programmers and have the app programmed that way?

The answer is usually simple - it's not easy at all. Finding a quality developer today who is trained and can write code that won't need to be thrown away after a few months or years is not easy. Moreover, the process of hiring developers, training them and then managing them is a long haul. It often takes years to align, find and coordinate a professional team of people.

That's why, especially in the initial stages of projects, it is often more convenient, faster and cheaper to hire a development studio that can program, design and operate the project. A good development studio should be able to hand over the project to a team of other developers in the later stages.

Question two - who should be part of the development studio?
Application development today is not just about programmers, it's about a whole range of other professions. Let's outline the most key ones:
  • Architect - every project that is to develop, expand and serve its purpose needs an experienced pro at the beginning who can technically design the application and write the brief according to which the programmers will program the application.
  • Business consultant - almost every application today serves as some part of the business. Whether it is a sales application or a system used by the clients of a given company. While developing an application, every step should be consulted with a business consultant who can suggest the right and conversion solutions.
  • Designer/Graphic Designer/UX Engineer - Before the project is handed over for development, the entire project needs to be designed, redesigned and given a future shape. Ideally, the development studio has in-house designers who are aligned with the developers. Not infrequently when this saves a heap of money in programming.
  • Backend, frontend - as many requirements, communications and businesses go digital, even individual applications become more complex and rarely can a project be programmed in a single programmer.
  • Server - with the operation of the application it is necessary to take care of system updates, uploading changes and for this purpose a "server" is needed.
  • Tester - every application must be properly tested after programming. Testing does not have to be only from the user point of view, but also from the security point of view. It's a whole big field in itself.
  • Project manager - the person who brings all the roles together, can coordinate the team, and pass on documents and information. Often joined by a product manager who handles the project globally across all aspects.
  • Analytics and marketing - virtually every investor wants results, measurement and improvements to the application. Once the app is launched, the work on the project doesn't stop. A professional development studio should be able to analyze data, suggest improvements and move the app forward.

Application development is a very technical business and, especially for investors outside the IT industry, it makes more sense to hire a development studio that they can lean on as a strategic partner.

Do you have an idea for an app? Let's talk about it together!

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