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Bikeflip: How to make an internationally successful startup!

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Bikeflip is an internationally successful startup that makes it easy to sell or buy a bicycle second hand. The startup, co-founded by famous Austrian mountain biker and youtuber Fabio Wibmer, aims to simplify and make the path to getting a quality bike at a reasonable price more accessible.
Bikeflip literally shot to the stars right after its launch. A few numbers to prove it - more than 11,000 bikes on offer, almost 50,000 active users and active operations in 3 EU countries.
In the case of Bikeflip, we were there from the very beginning. From logo design, identity, help with the business model and product design to the web and mobile app.

From our point of view, what has been crucial for the success of this platform?
  • The digitization of our own needs
Bikeflip was born out of a need from people in the community. Fabio Wibmer and his friends who have a passion for cycling just couldn't find a platform to sell specific bikes. It was a natural transition, a realization of their personal need, digitizing an outdated traditional industry.

  • The MVP approach
In the beginning there was an idea and a minimalist approach. Bikeflip was created gradually, with a minimum of features. Just the essentials, no extra features added that are expendable. It was only when the website was ready that we ventured into mobile apps. Thanks to proper phasing, this saved a lot of resources.

  • Total passion for the cause
Creating a startup like Bikeflip is all about total dedication. The whole team loves it, everyone is on the same page. Problems are solved proactively, goals are absolutely clear. Working in a team like this is simply a joy.

  • Focus on marketing
From the very beginning, we have dealt with marketing. How best to work with the community, how to reach them and how to ensure outreach with minimal resources. Marketing was not a dirty word or a fringe issue. It was a natural part of every sub-building block of Bikeflip. 

  • A positive approach
Surely you know it yourself. There are some people you are comfortable with and enjoy working with. And then there are the others. Well, the Bikeflip team has always been positive, hardworking and incredibly resilient. All the obstacles we faced in our birth were handled with ease, with a smile and a certain detachment. And it definitely shows in the final product. :)

You can take a look at Bikeflip in the links below:

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