Innovation in the world of loans and investments
Project introduction
People lend to people. This is the motto of Zonky, a startup for lending and investing, which, despite the original vigilance of investors, is very successful. Today, they have hundreds of employees, a lot of money on loan and more than 55,000 active users. Zonky is a member of the PPF Group, which operates in 24 countries with roots in the Czech Republic. At Pixelmate, we're improving and expanding the Zonky mobile app to make things work great and bringing more and more lending and investment opportunities.
We have been invited to significantly expand mobile applications - to expand abroad, addition of new services and their connection, the overall modernization and refresh of the mobile app
Scope of work
New features
Designing the app's visual
Primary color palette
The primary color palette has undergone modernization and was fundamentally reflected in the logical division of individual roles in the application. This helps users to simply and intuitively orientate through the entire application.
Compared to the original application, where the Roboto Slab (Serif) font was used, we chose a more modern, footless variant from the font family Roboto. Once again, we have confirmed that the design is about the details and even a small change can lead to a big shift forward.
Spacing & layout
For a perfect result in such large project, from the POV of design, it is necessary to follow clearly defined rules. A lot of work from the beginning of the project, which harvests fruit - both in the development of the application and in the next stages of the project.
Animations & microinteractions
Animations help make large group of screens come to life. In addition to stirring up illustrated giraffe characters, we've also designed tiny microinteractions of some icons and elements to make scrolling through the app a great experience.
Design creation
Used technologies
Zonky in numbers
Hours spent on the project
Redesign time
Number of screens
Number of components
V médiích
O aplikaci napsali
Trend sdílené ekonomiky vstoupil i do půjčování peněz a největší českou firmou v tomto odvětví je Zonky.
Show article
Banky sedí na starých systémech, takže nejsou tak flexibilní, agilní. Díky tomu může být Zonky rychlejší, levnější, pohodlnější pro klienta.
Show articleInterview with Mirek Semera, head of design at Zonky

In conclusion
We work with an ingenious team that is really interested in the project, together we are inspired, think critically and develop ideas together, without the relationship between the client vs. the employee. contractor or politician. We can oppose, argue, argue and it always leads to the best that can be put into modern applications. I am really happy that we can present innovations to the top management of Zonky, for which they deserve great respect. It is simply a dream collaboration.