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Strategy: Go to market - what do we solve most often with clients?

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A strategically well thought-out entry into the market with a new application is often crucial. Either it will succeed or it won't. 
Let's take a look at the most common questions and ideas we address with clients as they launch their applications. The process is always similar - we develop and design a mobile or web app, design, program, test. But how do we launch the app?

The first step is usually deciding where to launch the app. Will it be a domestic market or a global one? Most of the time, we advocate launching in a market that the investor knows and understands well. But this is certainly not the rule.

The second step is usually to map the competition, getting to know the target group as well as possible. Who will be the user? What problem are they solving? What are his or her options? What are they interested in? How much is he willing to spend?

The following is the market entry strategy. We often address the issue of gradual launch and user registrations before the sharp start. A strategy where users show interest before the app launches is often great in that the app's sharp launch is already with real users.

We usually already work with clients on marketing strategy, producing marketing materials, banners and social media during the programming process. We try to make sure that the final programming and the campaign launch flow seamlessly.

In addition to the marketing preparations, it is often necessary to provide some promo video, documentation for the App Store and Google Play, or work on SEO to make the project highly visible.

Sometimes the project is so unique and interesting that the media shows interest or we arrange with influencers to help with the initial launch. It may seem "old school", but our client found it very worthwhile to have a public event where she presented her app to the general public and invited journalists. The reach was greater than we all expected.

Once the project has gained its first users, we measure their behaviour, ask for feedback and try to work with them further. Organically growing the community and working with referrals is the best and cheapest thing ever that can work in a strategy like this.

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