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It’s Wednesday finally! The day of team breakfast

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“Breakfast was only worth having when somebody else made it for you.” - Caroline B. Cooney

American writer for teenagers Caroline B. Cooney once said “Breakfast was only worth having when somebody else made it for you.”

Týmovou snídani Janča každou druhou středu dotahuje k dokonalosti.

To make our breakfasts worth it, Jana takes care of them and we have to admit the she reached Master Level in this skill. Sometimes she spoils us with homemade specialties, sometimes she orders our favourite bagels and croissants.

Chvilku se bavit o životě a ne jen o práci je k nezaplacení.

The Wednesday ritual is a pleasant kick-off to a new day and also a moment for a casual talk about life, not only work work work. This tiny regular team building is simply priceless.

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